Friday, January 9, 2009


im always interested in stock market. I hate working for people.. i hate being controlled by other people... thats y in future im gonna involve in stock market.. i let money generate more money for me.

Warren BUffet... the greatest investor in the world, currently he is the richest man in the world, overtook Bill Gates. What makes Warren Buffet today? According to Warren himself, Benjamin Graham who maked today's Buffet.

I admire Warren BUffet so much that eventually i dun miss any of his publications. Well he seldom write, but i read all books relating to Warren Buffet.

I myself think that Warren is good because he has a set of stretegy when comes to investment in stock market. If i can duplicate his strategy and belief system, i think i can do that too!!

I always believed in myself that im special!! There is a giant inside me that waiting to be awaken!
but somehow due to daily routines, cock-talking haha... yeah... im still nobody and look dumb to people.

I do read alot, but understanding seems hard to me. I can memorize well, but when come to practical, i sucks. perhaps i have low IQ or due to my slow functioning brain. but i believe that not all human are born smart except for some extraordinary mankind. so tats y i have to be more hardworking to compensate it.

i wanted to become an investor in future, when i got money i gonna invest it in potential stock and wait for my capital gain..but looks like its not what a real investor should do?

according to Benjamin Graham, first we gonna differentiate what is investment, what is speculation and what is gambling. (investment V speculation V gambling)

i wanna become an investor instead of a speculator or gambler..
according to Ben. Graham, investment involves proper analysis of stock which promises safety of principal and an adequate return.

Speculation is like putting money in a stock and hope that the stock price will increase, without doing any proper analysis on the comp's performance, future trends and etc.

Gambling is like putting money in a stock, if price increase i gain, price drop = die.

i do like investment alot... but i usually did badly in my investment paper, perhaps i too underestimate what investment really is...

this is my first ever blog.... im in part3 of acca ady, exams style totally different from part2 papers, part 3 requires more writing and understanding.... so i hope i can improve my writing by blogging...XD