Tuesday, September 15, 2009


went watch "the unbelievable" today,
with talvin, yinyep, carmen and vemal.

the show was like a documentary,
a crew from hk went to places in thailand & malaysia to explore the unseen and unexplainable.
some part of the movie damn sickening,
chickens lizards fishes were crucially murdered by thailand bomohs .
there was a part in the movie where,
the farking bomoh bites the bloody chicken head while the chicken's still alive
and slowly tear the bloody chicken body and dig out the bloody chicken heart.
i think this farking bomoh will die exactly the same way as the chicken.
karma >.<
damn sickening i tell u.
but overall the show was nice.

girls dun trust bomoh ya, many young girls in thailand were sexually abused by bomohs.
and there are similar cases in malaysia too,
many fake bomoh /"shen guen"/神棍
careful =)


P.J.Lam said...

yes ar??luckily im not a girl...LOL!
sickening? i think is vv horror lo..u can sleep tonight? LOL

kaho said...

lol... hmm not so horror lor.. but sickening LOL

tonight ofcoz can /chew